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Dubai, United Arab Emirates
My name is Muhammad Faizan Karim and my aim is to spread the knowledge to everyone who want to learn oracle HRMS. I will try to write the video blogs for beginners so they can understand e-business suits from HRMS perspective, and if you have any difficulty in oracle applications HRMS , please feel free to contact with me at this email : faizan.kareem.ocp@gmail.com
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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

HRMS Oracle Applications R12 - Change Start Date of a person

Oracle provides an API to change start dates of a person, the interesting fact is that this API even
shifts the first assignment start dates. The API allows to shift the start dates within the range of 
first date track changes done at person & assignment level, if the new start date falls beyond 
the first date track change records effective end date then there is a error which pops up and 
does not allow changing the start date, this is logical and relevant.

APP-PAY-06841: Person changes exist between the old date and the new date
ORA-20001: Person changes exist between the old date and the new date.
ORA-06512: at "APPS.HR_CHANGE_START_DATE_API", line 3068

If you still want to change the start date, then all person and assignment changes should be
removed from the system before trying to change the start date.

Below is the API which helps updating the start date

      l_warn_ee   VARCHAR2 (100);
      hr_change_start_date_api.update_start_date (p_validate            => FALSE,
                            p_person_id           => 8424,
                             p_old_start_date      => TO_DATE ('01-01-2000','MM-DD-YYYY'),
                            p_new_start_date      => TO_DATE ('01-01-2001','MM-DD-YYYY'),
                               p_update_type         => 'E',
                             p_warn_ee             => l_warn_ee
      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (l_warn_ee);