About Me
- Muhammad Faizan Karim
- Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- My name is Muhammad Faizan Karim and my aim is to spread the knowledge to everyone who want to learn oracle HRMS. I will try to write the video blogs for beginners so they can understand e-business suits from HRMS perspective, and if you have any difficulty in oracle applications HRMS , please feel free to contact with me at this email : faizan.kareem.ocp@gmail.com
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User Hook for Salary Proposal in HRMS
Kindly find attached the scripts 1,2,3,4 for User Hook created on Create
Salary Proposal for restricting it to make duplicate entry in case of
proposed salary found for the employee on or after the hire date.
All, Please find below the step by step process for creating a User Hook.
1) Query table 'hr_api_hooks' to find user hooks available for the API you wanted to restrict, based on below conditions.
a) Before hook : BP
b) After Hook : AP
c) hook_pacakge(API name with '_' and suffix like 'BKn' where n is number starting from '1') which is attached to the API you wanted to restrict.
d) hook_procedure(API Procedure name with '_' and suffix 'A' or 'B' which indicates after hook or before hook) which is attached to the Hook Package.
2) Create your package and procedure to incorporate your restriction on the API you wanted to put, depending upon before hook or after hook keeping below point in mind.
a) Parameters in ur procedure should be same as all 'IN' Parameters in ur Hook Procedure i.e. Before hook procedure or after hook procedure.
3) Register ur package with the User Hook Pacakge by making an entry in 'hr_api_hook_calls' table. Script3 attached.
4) Run Hook Pre-processor by running script4.
create or replace package BTVL_PAY_PROPOSAL_HOOK_PKG
procedure btvl_pay_proposal_insert_hook
p_assignment_id in number,
p_business_group_id in number,
p_change_date in date,
p_comments in varchar2,
p_next_sal_review_date in date,
p_proposal_reason in varchar2,
p_proposed_salary_n in number,
p_forced_ranking in number,
p_date_to in date,
p_performance_review_id in number,
p_attribute_category in varchar2,
p_attribute1 in varchar2,
p_attribute2 in varchar2,
p_attribute3 in varchar2,
p_attribute4 in varchar2,
p_attribute5 in varchar2,
p_attribute6 in varchar2,
p_attribute7 in varchar2,
p_attribute8 in varchar2,
p_attribute9 in varchar2,
p_attribute10 in varchar2,
p_attribute11 in varchar2,
p_attribute12 in varchar2,
p_attribute13 in varchar2,
p_attribute14 in varchar2,
p_attribute15 in varchar2,
p_attribute16 in varchar2,
p_attribute17 in varchar2,
p_attribute18 in varchar2,
p_attribute19 in varchar2,
p_attribute20 in varchar2,
p_multiple_components in varchar2,
p_approved in varchar2,
p_element_entry_id in number
create or replace package BTVL_PAY_PROPOSAL_HOOK_PKG
procedure btvl_pay_proposal_insert_hook
p_assignment_id in number,
p_business_group_id in number,
p_change_date in date,
p_comments in varchar2,
p_next_sal_review_date in date,
p_proposal_reason in varchar2,
p_proposed_salary_n in number,
p_forced_ranking in number,
p_date_to in date,
p_performance_review_id in number,
p_attribute_category in varchar2,
p_attribute1 in varchar2,
p_attribute2 in varchar2,
p_attribute3 in varchar2,
p_attribute4 in varchar2,
p_attribute5 in varchar2,
p_attribute6 in varchar2,
p_attribute7 in varchar2,
p_attribute8 in varchar2,
p_attribute9 in varchar2,
p_attribute10 in varchar2,
p_attribute11 in varchar2,
p_attribute12 in varchar2,
p_attribute13 in varchar2,
p_attribute14 in varchar2,
p_attribute15 in varchar2,
p_attribute16 in varchar2,
p_attribute17 in varchar2,
p_attribute18 in varchar2,
p_attribute19 in varchar2,
p_attribute20 in varchar2,
p_multiple_components in varchar2,
p_approved in varchar2,
p_element_entry_id in number
create or replace package BTVL_PAY_PROPOSAL_HOOK_PKG
procedure btvl_pay_proposal_insert_hook
p_assignment_id in number,
p_business_group_id in number,
p_change_date in date,
p_comments in varchar2,
p_next_sal_review_date in date,
p_proposal_reason in varchar2,
p_proposed_salary_n in number,
p_forced_ranking in number,
p_date_to in date,
p_performance_review_id in number,
p_attribute_category in varchar2,
p_attribute1 in varchar2,
p_attribute2 in varchar2,
p_attribute3 in varchar2,
p_attribute4 in varchar2,
p_attribute5 in varchar2,
p_attribute6 in varchar2,
p_attribute7 in varchar2,
p_attribute8 in varchar2,
p_attribute9 in varchar2,
p_attribute10 in varchar2,
p_attribute11 in varchar2,
p_attribute12 in varchar2,
p_attribute13 in varchar2,
p_attribute14 in varchar2,
p_attribute15 in varchar2,
p_attribute16 in varchar2,
p_attribute17 in varchar2,
p_attribute18 in varchar2,
p_attribute19 in varchar2,
p_attribute20 in varchar2,
p_multiple_components in varchar2,
p_approved in varchar2,
p_element_entry_id in number
Script to register api to hr_api_hook_calls.pkb 3.txt
set serveroutput on size 1000000
ln_api_hook_call_id number;
ln_object_version_number number;
ln_api_hook_id number;
select ahk.api_hook_id
into ln_api_hook_id
from hr_api_hooks ahk, hr_api_modules ahm
where ahm.module_name = 'INSERT_SALARY_PROPOSAL'
and ahm.api_module_type = 'BP'
and ahk.hook_package = 'HR_MAINTAIN_PROPOSAL_BK1'
and ahk.hook_procedure = 'INSERT_SALARY_PROPOSAL_B'
and ahk.api_hook_type = 'BP' -- Before Process
and ahk.api_module_id = ahm.api_module_id;
-- insert a row into HR_API_HOOK_CALLS
(p_effective_date => to_date('28-Jul-2011','DD-MON-YYYY')
,p_api_hook_id => ln_api_hook_id
,p_api_hook_call_type => 'PP'
,p_sequence => 1
,p_enabled_flag => 'Y'
,p_call_package => 'BTVL_PAY_PROPOSAL_HOOK_PKG'
,p_call_procedure => 'btvl_pay_proposal_insert_hook'
,p_api_hook_call_id => ln_api_hook_call_id
,p_object_version_number => ln_object_version_number);
dbms_output.put_line('Registered HOOK...');
when others then
dbms_output.put_line(substr('Error: '||sqlerrm,1,255));
script to register user hook api call to hr_api_modules.pkb 4.txt
set serveroutput on size 1000000
cursor c1_cur is
select api_module_id
from hr_api_modules
where module_name = 'INSERT_SALARY_PROPOSAL';
for c1 in c1_cur loop
hr_api_user_hooks_utility.create_hooks_one_module( p_api_module_id => c1.api_module_id);
end loop;
when others then
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